
From a background in drawing and printmaking, I first found clay in Louisiana as a studio tech in my undergrad ceramics department.  Years after moving to DC for grad school, I learned how to throw on the potter's wheel from Jill Hinckley—a local legend in the clay world—who instilled in me not only a passion for clay but also an appreciation of elegant design. That passion eventually led me to set up a studio at the Jackson Art Center in Georgetown, DC and, ultimately, the home studio where I work now, in Alexandria, VA.


I love the entire process of working with clay, from planning a pot’s design, to throwing it on the wheel, to decorating it, and finally to surrendering it to the beautiful unpredictability of high-temperature firing.  My surface designs are done by hand, often using hand-carved stamps and other printmaking techniques, and can take days to complete on some larger pieces. I fire my pottery using gas- and wood-fired kilns, which, though riskier than some other types of firing, provide rich colors and textures. While I enjoy taking my time in carefully designing my pots and am thrilled by the process of transforming them in a fiery kiln, ultimately, what I love most is learning that my work is well-used.